Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Quick Praise
I feel so complete this year, my children, ALL of my children gave me something special this year. Merry Christmas again everyone!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Merry Christmas!!
Ok, So let me post what I intended to post here. For all of you, you know who you are, that have cried with me, listened to me bitch, encouraged me and rejoiced with me, THANK YOU! I have been so blessed to have each of you in my life, I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without you girls. Many miles separate each of us, but I know I can count on all of you to be there for me anytime I need you and I am so grateful for that. In turn, I hope that each of you know that you can count on me to always be there for you as well. I love you all and I hope that each and everyone of you have a Merry Christmas and that the New Year brings good things for all!!
Chooo FREAKING Choooo! LOL
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I do feel guilty. Why? Well this will seem contradictory to my previous posts, but I feel guilty that I have contact and I haven't told the ex about it. I want to. I have in the past, and it has come back to bite me. But I know how I have felt in the past, not having contact, and if he feels that pain........Well I just can't wish that pain on my worst enemy and I don't want it for him either. So, I am THINKING of telling him, but I am scared. Scared that he will do something stupid, scared that he will try to email M and scare him off from both of us and then his pain will cause me pain again *sigh* I am still thinking about all of this, I just know that as much of a jerk as I think he has been, he very well may be the reason I have what I have.
Christmas is coming, I think I will send them a Christmas card. His mom still hasn't replied to my email to her, just don't know what to make of that. I want to have a relationship with her, maybe she doesn't feel the same way. I find it somewhat sad, I think it would be much easier on him if we could develop "something" anything, to know that his First Mom and his Mom get along sure seems like it would ease his fears, if he has any, of having a relationship with me.
Well, it is late, I am off to bed. Best wishes for everyone and I hope Santa brings good things to all of you!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Could it really be a positive post????
LOVE, M(his name). I can not even begin to say how completely happy and relieved I am! 17 years of waiting for this and honestly it is about 8 years earlier than I ever dreamed of. I will post more tomorrow, I am gonna go read and re-read and re-read my email.......LOL
Love to all of you who have helped see me through all of this!!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
My child is NOT a gift to be given away like a pair of socks!
This has been the best birthday ever , I got a wish and prayer answered after 17 years , A new promotion a great church family and great friends and the best kids ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then I found this:
I feel that Adoption is the most wonderful gift for one couple, and the most heartbreaking reality for another, Giving a gift to a couple that otherwise would not be able to have a child, is a selfless act. But by giving them up out of LOVE , is knowing the child will have a brighter future. Eventhough the choice is a very hard one, the child welfair is the main goal. Although the reality is knowing there a child out there that your heart will alway yern for always.
And some times the couple try to stay together but no amount of true love can keep them together!!!! because the feeling and heartbreak of having a child and giving up a child you start to blame the other person !!! It took two people to sign to give up the child (but if one person said no maybe the other one could have changed there mind? The couple that loved, laugh, cried ,and where soul mate forever IS NO MORE ??!!??
First off, let's agree he can not spell or write, mmmmmk! Next let's look at what I see wrong with both sets of "thoughts" from Wonder Daddy. When I read the first one about his best birthday ever, I got a funny feeling that he was in contact with M and it really pissed me off. SO I call him, ask him if he has made contact with M (already knowing that he did a couple months ago) He played dumb, repeated my question, and we played this game for a few minutes before he finally confessed that he did contact him and that M had emailed him back. To say that I am hurt is putting it mildly, as I sit here waiting for a return email from M myself. Then to know that Wonder Daddy didn't share this email with me hurts me as well, because, well, I shared all the information that I worked 10 long years, all by myself to get ,with him. How I long to see his words even in typed formation, and he couldn't share that with me??? I am devestated, I did it the right way, I contacted his mom and she in turn was able to ask him if he wanted to hear from me. I put him in the driver's seat, his bfather disregarded all the right things and went in head strong and he comes out with an email. Can someone tell me what is wrong with this picture??
The second thing, MY child was not a gift to J&D. He wasn't a cool pair of shoes, he wasn't a cute pair of socks, HE WAS A BABY in need of a home. I hate that, but it is the truth. Wonder Daddy thinks this is the best thing he has ever done, he is a hero. He gave a childless couple a baby (though he forgets they already had adopted one and J had 2 kids from a previous marriage, or hmm, maybe he didn't know that since he wouldn't get to know them or meet them) HE gave them a gift. Funny, I didn't feel like I was giving them a gift, I felt like I had just ripped my heart out and handed it to them.
Apparently now, in his tiny little brain, he blames me. If one person had said no, then maybe the other would have changed their mind? Hmmm, funny, The way I see it was, Maybe if someone had taken responsibility for their actions, stepped up to the plate and been the dad M needed him to be, I wouldn't have been scared to death that I would have to raise a child on my own. Neither here nor there, but I didn't do it alone and neither did he, sure seems like he wants me to take the blame.
Not today Wonder Daddy, Not TODAY.
Fresh out of Patience
I am angry at his mom. For the last 10 years I told myself "she did not do this intentionally" and now, I know that she did do it intentionally. I would be content with saying "No biggie, stuff happens, we can move on now" IF she would do the right thing now, and she isn't. I emailed her the same day I emailed M, he hasn't responded becasuse 1. He is 17 2. He is 17 and 3. he is 17. She is 60, what is her excuse? I don't want to hear "busy", "scared", "guilty" I just don't. I am a mother to 4, a wife, a secretary, a moderator for a very busy adoption site, a cabbie, need I go on...and I make time to email her. It would be nice to have gotten an email from her letting me know how M "dealt" with my email to him, but then she isn't looking like such a nice person these days.
I am also angry because this is her fault. We wouldn't have this big "reuinion" if she had kept her word. She didn't. I can not change it. But, sheesh, can you try to right a wrong? *sigh( What is she teaching him? That you can deceive people and it is ok? That you can hurt people and it is no big deal? That you do what you have to, to get what you want and it doesn't matter who you hurt along the way??
I am frustrated tonight, I am going to bed. Pray for me, pray she will dig deep and find some compassion and at least let me know how he is dealing with all of this.
Friday, November 30, 2007
It has been 4 days....
I need Starbucks, I need a freaking EMAIL from a 17 yr old kid who probably has not thought about me since he read it on Monday....*sigh*
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Santa has come to visit...............ME!!
He wants contacts!!!!!!!!!!! I received another email today from his mom, she was much nicer and more sincere in this email. She said that they had talked about me and that while he is not ready for f2f contact he would like to correspond with me via My space. OMG, I can not even begin to tell you how excited I am about this. This opens up so many possibilities, I am scared, I am happy, I am FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do I say, where do I begin????? I can not wait to email him, I can not wait for him to email me back!!
CHOOO FREAKING CHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
My Pain Is Worse Than Yours.........
How hard is this people? We can all have pain without comparing who's pain is worse. I can only imagine that being infertile must bring some kind of pain for some. I can only imagine that being adopted must bring some kind of pain for some, I will not diminish their pain by trying to convince them that because I hurt they should walk a mile in my shoes and know what real pain is, their pain is real TO THEM, and that is all that matters.
We need to find more compassion in this world, we do. I don't want to feel an adoptive mother's pain, I don't want to feel an adoptee's pain and I wouldn't wish my pain on any one of them. What I do want, I want to acknowledge them, lift them up when I can, give a hug and tell them I don't live their pain but I wish good things for them. WWJD?
Monday, November 12, 2007
What I am Thankful for.......
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for the knowledge of my First son's whereabouts. To know he is alive and well gives me more than I could ever ask for. I lived 10 years with so many thoughts as to what could have happened to him and his family and now I have the peace of mind of knowing he is right where I left him, with his mom and his sister, alive and well. I am thankful for his family, even in these days that I think they have done me wrong, they have done what I asked them to do, raise him,love him,and make him part of their family....can I really ask for more than this?
There is so much to be thankful for, all we have to do is look around.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I have to see this movie!
I found this through Jenna's blog and I am telling you, I need to see it. The trailer moved me to tears, I can only imagine what the movie as a whole will do.
It comes out in theaters November 21st, go see it and let's talk about it.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Finding Peace
To me, peace is accepting what happened, accepting that I can not change the situation, accepting that God has a hand in it all and a plan yet to come. I am not there, I am not at peace. I want to be, I really do, but things aren't where I need them to be to allow my heart a chance to heal. Promises were broken, trust was shattered, friendships were dissolved, anger and hurt are still prevelant, I need to let it go. I can't. I fear becoming bitter and my heart becoming hard, I fear the walls that have been up for years may never come down. Until I can get rid of this anger and hurt I will not find peace in anything that pertains to my adoption journey. I fear that if I continue on the path that I am on I will only suffer more. M will find a First Mom that is bitter and I have spent to many years on trying not to be. This last month and all that has transpired has taken it's toll on me, but it won't win. I will overcome it, I have to.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
*sigh* They say we should "Suck it Up"
Well let me tell you this, BALONEY! Choice, what a funny word. Yes I had a choice, in fact I had 3. I could parent, I could place, I could abort. Abortion was out of the question, my heart doesn't allow it, my religion is against it and so that eliminates that choice for me. Parenting was an option, yet one that when I sought out help in my crisis pregnancy, no one encouraged me to do. I was told that my baby deserved the best possible life he could have and since I was single and didn't have tons of money adoption was a wonderful option. Wonderful option for who? For me, I live with the regret of placing him and a year and a half later being in a completly different place in my life and able to be a great parent to him. For him? Maybe, who really knows, he has a good life but who is to say his life wouldn't have been just as wonderful with me and his siblings?
My decision, well last I checked I am not the Virgin Mary and there was no immaculate conception. So that would mean there was another party involved in this decision, the First Father. Some may say "Well if he didn't want to parent, you still could have" and that seems like a simple solution. But again, I heard the voices of the agency workers saying "your child deserves the best", "your child deserves 2 parents that are married and stable", so while it was my decision, I felt like I had no right to make any other decision than the one I made.
As for being "Thankful" for the people who did raise my child when I chose not to or could not? I am thankful that my son was able to be placed into a loving home and to grow up into the man he is becoming. Thankful can go 2 ways here, I could say "The a-parents should be thankful I was able to place my child with them, they may not be parents without me" I would have been far more thankful had someone told me there were resources to help me parent my child for that year and a half I struggled, or if one person had encouraged me to try to parent when I was sobbing and telling them if I held my son I would never be able to let him go, but they didn't. SO tell me, why should I be thankful that my son isn't here with his me and his bio siblings today??
So, you see "suck it up" and deal with it, I have. 17 LONG years of sucking it up and dealing with it and for those of you that can't muster up a bit of compassion for those who felt like they did the best they could and have some hard days emotionally I say , Shame on you!
10 years of Patience, Do I have any left???
Friday, October 26, 2007
It's My Birthday!
Today is my birthday and I am so glad it is almost over. Not because it is a bad thing, age doesn't affect me much, but because this means that the end of October is very near. I hate this month, I do. I am doing better, I am realizing that I can not change the things that my ex has done, I can not make Mark want to meet me, I can not undo the past. What I can do? Be the best mom and wife to my family right here, be healthy emotionally and physically in case Mark ever wants to meet me, Love them all with everything I have. I am not spending any more negative energy on trying to make things be the way I want them to be. It is what it is and I can't do a darn thing about it.
All that said, we went to a Halloween party with my youngest boys tonight (the older 2 had a teen party to go to). We had fun and it felt good to focus my thoughts and time on them. Life is looking up, keep praying for me. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I am on my knees, I don't feel like it can get any worse. Some of you may think that I am over-dramatizing it all but let me tell you, this pain isn't any kind of pain I would wish on my worst enemy. I can't see past the moment, tomorrow looks so bleak, I have GOT to get it together. I have kids here that need me, a hubby that needs me but I can't quit thinking about what I have lost and how long it may be before I "might" get it back.
I want to be positive, I want to keep reminding myself that this is just another obstacle that I will overcome, but I am tired. I am worn down. I have so far to go. Life sucks right now!!
I need sleep, I need a nerve pill, I need my son to want to know me.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well it keeps getting worse!!!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
The World Feels Different Today
M has no desire for Reunion
Sunday, October 21, 2007
We love this time of year!!!!
Fall is my favorite time of year! The leaves are changing, everything is so beautiful and it is cool, ok, normally it is cool. We have had a hard time getting our fall weather this year, we have had some pretty warm days compared to years past, but we are getting there. Tonight was one of those cool nights. My mom gave me my birthday present early, it is a gas fire pit. Are you excited? I was!! There is nothing better than sitting around a fire pit with the hubby and the kids and roasting marshmallows and that is exactly what we did tonight. Lil James decided he doesn't like the "black stuff" on his marshmallows so he sat around most of the night trying to "pick" it off...LOL. Fall means Halloween to my kids. They are anxiously awaiting for mom to take them costume shopping and I am procrastinating like nothing you have ever seen. Why you ask? Have you seen the prices of costumes? I am not Martha Stewart so there will be no sewing done here in the Sutton house, I will "suck"it up and go buy them sometime this week, Blah! I didn't mind it when they were younger as they continued to play dress-up with their costumes and I felt like it was money well invested, however, now that most of them are older it just seems crazy to spend that kind of money on a few hours. But I will. I will.
Hubby made a couple of coffins for the yard and decorated. He has done an awesome job of making sure every kid in the neighborhood is scared to death of coming to my house, haha! My oldest wants to sit in between the 2 coffins and pretend to be a fake person, jumping up when someone comes up to get candy. Tis the fun of Halloween for my kids, but I do worry about the "wee" ones and how I can get candy to them without scaring them to death. But really, it is all in fun.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I am so FUCKING pissed off right now I could kill my ex-husband..aka.. THE SPERM DONOR my son will call birthdad. He invited my bson's sister to be his friend on MYSPACE...WTF!! After 10 years of sitting at this computer searching day and night to find him, guess who is going to get contact first???? He doesn't deserve it, he hasn't done anything to try to find him. He didn't even fucking want to know whether he was a girl or boy and has lived in denial for 16 years, now because it is easy and the hard work is done he wants to waltz in and make everything right. WHO DOES HE FUCKING THINK HE IS, and don't tell me "he is the birth father" cause I know that and I don't fucking care. How many nights did he lose sleep on the computer, ZERO, I tell you ZERO!!!! He wasn't there to see him born, he never wanted to meet his parents, he didnt want anything until now, now that he is almost grown and I did the work of finding him, NOW, NOW he wants to be a part of his life.
WHY THIS FUCKING WEEK, the week is hard enough with his bday and all that comes with that, now I get to deal with more emotions as to why the ex thinks he can do the stupid shit he does. I hate him, I DO.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I DO have other children


Fred is almost 15 and has little time for us people he calls family, LOL. He is such a social bug, lots of friends and extremely concerned about being the best at everything he does and being healthy. He has a wonderful sense of humor and I am actually starting to like him again. You may say "how can you not like your kid" and I say "do you have a teenager?" LOL, I love him with every ounce of me, but liking him during the "teenage raging hormones" stage makes it hard some days. We are managing and he is becoming more pleasant daily. If you have older teenager and are wanting to tell me that he will grow 2 heads again at 16, save it, I like my fantasy world. HA! Fred plays baseball and plays very well I might add. He is a 2nd baseman, shortstop and a pitcher and again he works hard to excel at them all!! Mama thinks he is pretty awesome. This is actually off season for him right now so you can find him at the local gym working out to keep himself in shape!The picture above is him going to his first homecomin

Quinton is 10. He will forever be 5 to me if he doesn't start growing soon! Honestly he is so little, weighs all of 53 lbs. He also plays baseball and infact plays the same positions as his big brother. He made the travel team this year and played well over 60 games and has decided it may be a few years before he does that again. It was an exhausting year for the little guy, but he did enjoy it while he did it. Quinton is very laid back, not to much bothers him and he lets most everything roll of his back. He makes friends so easily and has never been a shy kid. He has the sweetest personality and loves his little brother James, irritated by the older siblings and would probably rather sell them for more Wii games than call them siblings.
And then there was James. He is 6 yrs old and just started Kindergarten this year. I have never seen a kid love school as this one does. He REALLY loves it. He goes in the afternoon, has to be there at 12:40, by 9 am he is already asking if he can go to school. He is learning so much and I am so proud of him. They told us when he was born that he would not make it through the night, he fooled all of them. They then told us he would be severely delayed, again they were wrong. He is a VERY healthy kid, active, plays baseball as well as the other 2 and it learning just as quick as the other 3 did at this age. This is the last one and I have enjoyed each one of them with their similarities as well as their differences. I wouldn't change anyone of them even when I feel like I live in a zoo!!!

Mom loves you kids!!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy Birthday M!!
For today though, I will praise God that you are alive and well. This time last year I still didn't know if you were alive, I had just as many emotions then as I do now. They were different though, worried whether you were ok, and if you were ok, if you were happy. I thought of what you might be doing for that magical 16th birthday. I wondered if you had a new car, a girlfriend, what kind of person you were turning out to be, all the questions I should have had answers to but didn't. Then I found you, well I didn't but a dear friend of mine helped to find you. I had my answers, you may think that I didn't have that right to search you out and look at your myspace but I needed something, anything. The hurt was so intense, the not knowing was more than I could stand, so I took the information given to me and set out to find you. I am happy with what I found, with the exception of your dad's passing. I am sure you miss him today as I miss you, know that I cared deeply for him and that I am truly sorry for your loss. My thoughts are as scattered as this post, I feel so many things today but my deepest feelings come from the love I have for you, the love I will ALWAYS have for you. I miss you. Happy Birthday Son!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Losing my mind
*SIGH* I have talked to him before, this is not the first time he has done something this stupid. How do I make him understand that he could jepordize the relationship before it ever happens?? I understand that this is hard for him too, I do. But how dare he after 17 years of not giving a shit think that he can just come in now, after all the hard work of finding him is done, and do whatever he wants to make contact. I.AM.SO.MAD.I.COULD.SPIT.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
17 years ago today.......................
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Here are some great Breast Cancer Websites
Share your stories here:
Educate yourself on this disease, support the mothers, sisters, friends, daughters that this disease affects every year. Also, keep in mind for every 100 women it affects it affects 1 man, we need to find a cure!
God Bless you all!!

Friday, September 28, 2007
When you want to be there, but can't!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Gosh...It has been awhile!!
My old computer crashed, so I had to go buy a new one. Big purchases always hurt us over here in the land of one income, but neither I nor the kids could do without it. The 2 oldest kids use it alot for school and of course this is the only "entertainment" I get..ha!
Not much going on in the adoption world as of late. I guess there is always something to debate on the forums but sheesh, I get sick of trying to educate some days. When will people get it that it is simply about respect and that no 2 situations are ever gonna be the same?!
So, that is it for now, I will be back tomorrow night my "baby" freshman is going to the Homecoming dance, I will have pics and lots of whining about how he has grown up too fast!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Safe Haven
I personally think that the Safe Haven laws are a good thing. Does it leave out the First Father? Yes, I guess it does. Do I believe that First Father's should have the same rights to their child as a First Mom does? I sure do! On the other hand, a first mom live 9 months of a pregnancy taking care of, making plans for, worrying about, the child that they are carrying. If the first father of an unborn child wants those same rights that she has he needs to take care of, make plans for, worry about the unborn child. Some may say "what if he isn't given the chance"? I say, that is an easy way out, he was strong enough to lay down and make a baby, he needs to be strong enough to step up to the plate, find out if the girl he slept with is pregnant (even if that includes some detective work). If he wants rights, he must do what is right!
As for the child, are they left without the possibility of knowing their first parents? Yes, I guess they are but the alternative of being left in a dumpster, canal, toilet, etc. gives them no chance at a life. So if we are talking about the best interest of the child, I think Life comes at the top of what would be best! No medical background, no knowledge of first parents, sucks, but the chance to be alive and functioning within a family that would love them and raise them as their own must count for something.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
No Revoke Period~ What are your thoughts?
I can understand that "instant" love that aparents speak of with the child that still isn't theirs until TPR, I felt that same love with my child without ever having seen him, even before I could feel him in there. So I can imagine it would be hard to believe that the child you thought was going to be yours ends up not being yours. I can also understand that there are laws to protect both first parent and adoptive parents, but I don't think I could live with myself if I was holding onto a child that a first parent really wanted to keep. Now I do not believe that months later a first parent can change their minds and get their placed children back, But I DO believe there needs to be longer revocation periods, or maybe what I REALLY feel is that more expectant parents need to be counseled on their rights, one of which I didn't know, and that was that I didn't have to sign the papers at 48 hours. I could have waited for a whole week, a month, however long I would have needed to make that life altering decision, but I was not informed of that. 48 hours to the hour after my son was born I was brought the papers in my hospital room to sign, never once was I asked if I was ready to sign.
I am rambling, still trying to make sense of all of the feelings I am having. I will revisit this topic in the coming days.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Processing My Emotions..........
Monday, July 30, 2007
We Went, We Saw, We HATED Chicago

We are back! I wouldn't live in Chicago for all the money in the world! Now, I am not saying that the people there were not friendly, they were. But the TRAFFIC, OMG, It was awful! I have never seen so many people speed, weave in and out of traffic, and fight to be first at the toll as I did this weekend. The streets are funky and I got lost more times than I care to share with you all! I should mention that the person reserving our rooms for the team managed to find the furthest hotel from the baseball field, so I am sure that the fact we had to drive clear across the freaking world to get there played a part in the "getting lost" and "hating the way people drive" feeling from me. The boys had a great time! They won the first game, lost the next 2 and that sent us home and praise Jesus it did. I could not have spent another night there. We didn't see much more than a few stores, restaraunts and the inside of our hotel room. We swam, sat in the hot tub, ate some pretty good food and watched the boys run through the halls annoying other guests.
While on my trip (remember my mom went with us) I learned a few things;
1. Apparently I can not drive at 37 (this said because my mother was constantly reminding me of my speed, to watch out!, and be careful!)
2. She knows more than I and isn't afraid to tell me despite embarassing me in front of 13 other couples.
3. Kids do not care if you are sitting in the hot tub trying to relax, they will still enjoy throwing cold water from the pool in on you and try to get the funniest reaction possible.
4. That it is possible to put 13 boys together and have a good time even when you lose your games!
I am so glad Q had the opportunity to travel with this team, we have a great group of boys who played well in the games and were good losers! Baseball is over now until the end of August when we start Fall Baseball, we will gain some new kids, lose a few, but for now I am just gonna sit back and enjoy the next 4 weeks!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
You GAVE me a title and NOW you tell me how I FEEL???
Chicago~Here we come!
First mom, Natural mom, Birth mom, Real mom, Biological mom, what do you want to be?
Birth mom doesn't work for me anymore and it never will again, No one can make me feel like the only thing I did for my child was give him life, I provided him with life and gave him the opportunity to have a life. I was the FIRST to make that happen.
To the adoptive parents out there that I have offended by this post, reach a little deeper within yourselves and find some security in your ability to be a parent, a mom, a dad to your child. What I want to call myself should have no affect on you if you are secure in your role as a parent. I do not wish to be called First mom because I think your second, or that I am better than you. It is because I was not an incubator, I did what I felt I had to do at that time out of PURE LOVE for my unborn child, my child for 9 months, I was his First Mom and I will always be his FIRST MOM, not his only, not his last, but his FIRST!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Lesson's Learned
"There's some things that I regret,
Some words I wish had gone unsaid,
Some starts,
That had some better endings,
Been some bad times I've been through,
Damage I cannot undo.
Some things,
I wish I could do all all over again,
But it don't really matter,
Life gets that much harder,
It makes you that much stronger,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wonder how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.
There's mistakes that I have made,
Some chances I just threw away,
Some roads,
I never should have taken,
Been some signs I didn't see,
Hearts that I hurt needlessly,
Some wounds,
That I wish I could have one more chance to mend,
But it don't make no difference,
The past can't be rewritten,
You get the life you're given,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,
Lessons learned.
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wonder how I'd get threw the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.
And all the things that break you,
Are the things that make you strong,
You can't change the past.
Cause it's gone,
And you just gotta move on,
Because it's all
Lessons leanred.
And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
Everyday I wonder how I'd get through the night,
From Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned,
Lessons learned.
Lessons learned.
I can't change the past, I can only move forward and learn from the mistakes I have made. I have. It is hard to come to terms with some of the things I have done, but I have. Each and every "mistake" I have made, I have learned something from, each and every situation has molded me into who I am. Are there still things I am working on, sure, but I know that God has led me down this path for a reason and I know that he will carry me when I am not strong enough to do it on my own, I know it because he told me so.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Missing dad!
My brother got married last Saturday for the first time, it was bittersweet, but Dad was missing from it. It was never discussed, but I know that my brother was thinking of him too. My dad wasn't invited to my wedding, at the time he was being hard-headed (hmm..wonder where I get it?) Funny how it wasn't until my brother's wedding that it hit me how stupid we were, how much we missed out on, how short life can be. He is gone now, and nothing I can do will bring him back, or change the past. What I can do is learn from our mistakes,I will do everything humanly possible to keep my relationship with my children the way God intended for it to be. I will keep the doors of communication open, I will cherish them, I will make memories and I will always be there!
Dad, I love you and I miss you!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Are First Mom's Really "Made" to place?
The second issue of the conversation is that "we" as First Parents are blaming our parents, others, for having to place our children. I don't blame anyone except the agencies that these young women go to and are not given adequate info to make an informed choice. I have blogged about this, I have beaten my head against a wall a million times over about this. If agencies were made to tell these girls that X and Y are available to you, that most times financial issues are temporary, that even young girls can make good mom's, that you will grieve, not for a year but possibly for the rest of your life over what you will miss, I believe that we may have less women coming back years after placement regretting what they didn't know, what they weren't informed of.
I made a "choice" I made a "decision" I did it all by myself, I could have made another choice, another decision, but when I went to the only place I knew to get help, I was told "You should consider adoption, it is a wonderful option for you" "He will grow up in a nice home, with a nice family, with everything he needs" "It is nearly impossible for a single young girl to parent a child, unless you put him in daycare and let them raise him".......BLAME? I blame them, the agency for making my choice for me, they painted it rosey, they made me believe I couldn't do it, and made me believe he would have a better life with out me........BULLSHIT!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Want a baby.....apparently 18,000.00 might get you one!
WTF! She goes on to say she doesn't know the sex of the baby, but who cares, and maybe the money would sound good to this expecting mom.
OMG, I can not even put into words what I am thinking about this......I mean, baby buying??? That goes against everything we have worked so hard to dispel in the myths of adoption. She has degraded all 3 sides of the triad. Children are not to be bought and sold, they aren't possesions at a garage sale. What would this child grow up and think if he/she found out that there was a price tag hanging from their toe?
I am sick, disgusted and appalled!
Monday, July 2, 2007
More Adoption talk
That brings me to my own situation. I was 19 (an adult, by state law, yet still a scared kid in my heart), facing an unplanned pregnancy, a boyfriend who didn't know his head from a hole in the wall and no family close by. Once the boyfriend and I decided that adoption was something to consider, I called the agency, went alone and discussed it with them. I told them that we had told no one and that b/f never wanted to tell his parents or anyone for that matter. I was afraid to tell my mom for fear that she would want to help me raise him and I wanted a better life for him than one where my mom and I would be arguing over what was best for him and her trying to be mom, etc...I was so confused and really looking back now, I was to overwhelmed to make any life altering decisions at that time. But as I continued to talk to the agency they convinced me that I was doing what was in his best interest and that he deserved the best chance at life that I could give him and adoption was a great option.
Years later it occurred to me that had I gone to my mom, or any family member (or hell, even a friend) I may not be his First Mom and would be his "mommy", but no one encouraged me to tell my family, it was my choice and I was an adult. What they failed to tell me is that without the support of others I didn't make an informed choice rather a hasty decision out of sheer fear and love for my unborn child.
I guess it is a fine line in the world of a 19 year old adult, I am not saying by any means that a woman should need parental permission and no one should be forced to tell anyone that they don't want to tell, but everyone has a right to know there are people out there that may be willing to help and that the fear of the unknown can cause us all to do things we may regret.
So if by chance you are reading this blog and experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, don't hang your head in shame, find some support and make an informed decision, decide if with a little help (sometimes very temporary help) you could and want to raise your child.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Quinton plays travel baseball, he tried out, made the team, and absolutely loves the sport of baseball. His world revolves around it, that is how much it means to him, in turn that means our world revolves around it, kinda. However, Daddy wonderful, thinks that it is only important to come when it is convenient to him. To help you understand how unreliable he is, every time the phone rings and it is him Q says "Wonder what his excuse is today?"
So, today the phone rings, it is his weekend to have the kids but because he couldn't manage to be able to get Quinton to his game on Saturday , I switched weekends and have this this weekend. He asks to speak to Q and I give him the phone, I hear "ya", "Uh huh", "why" "ok" "bye" "love you" After he hangs up I ask, whats up. He says well dad won't be at this game he has to take some needy people to the food pantry at the church.
So, to say I am pissed is an understatement! When is this man going to grow up and be the dad these kids need him to be? When are they going to come first? What makes him think that paying child support and coming to an occasional activity makes him super daddy? When is he going to realize that it takes more than being "fun time" daddy to earn their respect?
Thursday, June 28, 2007
No Guarantee's
His First Father and I went on to marry and have 3 other children, we could have parented him with some direction from someone.
Financially, what a joke that is. It wasn't until I had my 2nd child that I realized that babies don't require a whole lot and there are so many programs out there to help with the things they do require. They don't have to be dressed from "The Gap" and they don't need toys for a while to come, but within a year and half, I could have provided all of those things for him. Not one person ever said " This could be temporary" "Let me help you find the resources to parent" or even "go search here, before making a life altering decision" Instead all I heard was " You are so good to think of the well being of your child" "He will grow up happy and loved", UM, excuse me, he would have been happy and loved with me as well.
So, Nope there are no guarantee's in this life. Life happens, things change, circumstances change and we need to be telling expectant mom's this before we ever even discuss adoption with them.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I love this kid!


So he comes into my room and says "Mom, Quinton just kicked that ball at me and hit me in the nut"
I say" In the what?"
"The nut" he says, I explain to him, of course while trying not to die, that we do not call them nuts, they are private parts. He says" yea that".
Off to try and find Fred , cause I am sure that is where he learned "NUTS" Little do they know, they drive me NUTS...LOL